Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Hi all,

I will be collecting donations to Padmasambhava Children Loving Association in Klang. It is a home for 30 over orphans aged between 1 year to 25 years old. This home is under the care of a highly compassionate Sister Ani, a Buddhist nun and managing the home with the help of her mother, brothers and volunteer single mothers.

It strives to provide help and hope to those in need, irrespective of race, religion or creed. The Padma Home also caters for the needs of more than 200 single mothers and other orphans who regularly approach the home for their needs.

I will be planning a visit there this school holiday and hoping to spend some yoga moments with them, basically just have fun. I am planning some activities if possible, suggestions are welcomed. I will keep everyone informed of the time & date. Namaste. You are welcomed to join me with your family or friends. Let us be more compassion, let our children become loving adults.

Some suggestions on what to donate:

1) Donations in cash (pref I wouldn't want to take any cash, if possible write me a cheque if you cant attend
2) Children clothing (new or old)
3) Books (Tertiary books or story books)
4) Stationary sets
5) Groceries ( Noodles, milk powder, rice, detergent, toiletries & etc)

Please email me on or sms/call me 017 3488 5300.

Thank you. Greatly appreciated and love & blessing to all of you. May you be happy, free, healthy & serene. Namaste

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

5 ways to help save the planet in 30 mins or less

You may not be able to reduce global warming, end pollution and save endangered species single-handedly, but by choosing to live an earth-friendly lifestyle you can do a lot every day to help achieve those goals. Remember does add up!!

1) Drive less, drive smart.

I know I know the weather is hot in Malaysia...but we can park a little further & avoid stress by going round & round just to get park right in front. Turn the engine off when you are waiting. Car pool with friends whenever possible.

2) Eat your vegetables.

Eating less meat and more fruits, grains & vegetables can help the environment more than you may realize. Meat, eggs and dairy products contributes heavily to global warming, because raising animals for food produces many more greenhouse gas emissions
than growing plants.

3) Reuse, recycle, reduce.

Shopping bags nowadays are such fashion icons & great in the scene, be green! Plastic bags, plastic wrappers, foams end up as litter, clogs waterways & kills thousands of marine mammals.

4) Change your light bulbs.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs are more energy efficient & less expensive to use than traditional incandescent bulbs. Compact bulbs last up to 10 times longer & 70% less heat.

5) Pay your bills online.
By doing it online, you save time - do it anytime, you save paper - no more cheques & paper records, save money - environment friendly-reduce trips to banks or post office.

Credit to I.M Magazine.